So I may have some more time on my hands coming up, and rather than sort through the garage, I’ve decided to get some project started.
Writing Work
Having combined three of my past efforts from NaNoWriMo, I’ve got a good beat on where the novel is headed, so that’s in the drafting/re-write phase. The outline in coming well; I just need to pin down some of the scenes that need to be re-worked and determine which ones won’t work at all.
I’m also planning a serial fiction to be posted here on the website, so you can get more of my writing in the short form. I’ll be posting some surveys on social media on that, so check my twitter or facebook feeds.
I’ll probably also be posting some of my Masterclass progress as I learn more things from the… masters.
Game Work
In my quest to create a video game with miniature sets as the background. I’ve decide to start with a simple escape room game to work out the concept. And due to a going out of business sale of a local art store (unrelated to current events), I was able to procure the materials to make said set.
A stack of bass wood for building miniature sets. Yay!
Voice Work
I’m starting to record for my voice demo reel. So if you are in need of a voice actor, feel free to contact me and we’ll get the ball rolling.
In times such as these are, more than ever we need to stay creative. I know a lot of people are out there that need some entertainment to get them through, and I would be remiss if I didn’t do my part. That in mind, here is a game that I threw together at the museum during the holiday season a year or so back.
All you need is a four by four grid (you can either draw one out, cordon off a section of a chess board, or put together four of the tiles from Die Roll Dungeon…), a six-sided die, and 16 coins (or some other type of double sided tokens; like Reversi pieces). The top of the grid is numbered 1 to 4. Each player (this is a two player game) selects a side to be (heads/tails, red/blue, etc.), and then take turns rolling the die and placing a piece.
On a roll of 1-4: Place a piece in the corresponding column. If no spaces are available, the player may flip an opponent’s piece in that column.
On a roll of 5: Place a piece on any open space. If no spaces are available, the player may flip any piece.
On a roll of 6: Flip any piece or place a piece on any open space.
To win: If a player has four in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) they win.
My original copy…
It’s still in the play testing phase, so if you have any rules variations or modifications I’d be glad to hear them. I hope this will be a fun game/crafts project for you and maybe even be the catalyst for you to create your own games and share them with your friends.
Stay safe and keep creating.