Okay, maybe not the most original title, but I thought I’d take a moment to look forward on the year to come.
This year was a good exercise in getting lost in the process. A lot of planning and not a lot of doing. There were improvements in the “day job”, and I believe there is still potential in it moving forward. (I’ll know more after March.) However, “the work” is still a WIP. I can certainly see myself along two different pathways.
The first path is the easy one. I continue to plan and write, but the risks are small. Maybe I try again at a social life. (Not really a topic for here, but it would have bearing on my productivity, right?) I perhaps get one of the novels finished, and hopefully fulfill my game design needs with my work at the museum.
The second path is a little more bumpy. It involves more risks, more community involvement, and a whole lot more work. I go full tilt into the novel and the next, I start seeking voice work in earnest, and I start seeing the world beyond the study I’ve locked myself into.
Next year will most likely be a blending of the two paths. That’s the thing about paths, they tend to meander and converge at points. And that’s the thing about seeing the future, it changes. Next year will not be a year of goals or sudden change; it will be a year of gradually minding the course as the ship is navigated. There may be some turbulent waters ahead, but it’s nothing we can’t weather.
See you on the other side, and keep creating.