And now a few words about me
I am a level designer. There is a synergy to all the pieces that make me a level designer. I am level designer, programmer, drafter, architect, modeler, texturer, writer, and more. It is the sum of all these that makes me the one thing I am: an artist.
I have been playing games of all kinds since I was a child. When I saw the possibility that I could be creating games as a career, I knew this was what I had to pursue. One of the first computer games that really caught my imagination was the Lucas Arts game Maniac Mansion. In the game there were logic puzzles that you had to complete in order to move forward. To get the stamp off the envelope I had to put the envelope and a cup of water in the microwave to steam it off, but not the radioactive water... It's that type of thinking game that I want to create.
My process begins by collecting references in the real world; photographs, videos, experiences. Then I put everything down on paper. I lay out the floor plans of the level, the player's objectives, what assets need to be created, and I work from there. I model, unwrap, and texture everything. Then everything goes into the game engine; where the real fun begins. Putting the level together with scripts and functions makes it come to life. And seeing others play the games I create makes it all worthwhile.
Downloadable resume being updated, will return soon.
Let's build something