For my portfolio show I wanted to include a game with my resume and business cards. So I printed the game tiles on the back of my cards, and the rules page on the back of my resume. Here is that game, Die Roll Dungeon. It's your standard dungeon crawl. Easy to play and fun for the whole family. As it is a work in progress, please feel free to modify any of the rules as you see fit. Or even make up your own tables. I plan on adding more challenges, locations, and themes in the near future. Until them, enjoy the original.
Die Roll Dungeon
A Game for 1 - 4 Players
Each player needs one d6 and a token for their character.
You can download the tile sheet below to print the game tiles.
How to play
The player who has last celebrated their birthday rolls to see which room the players will start in.
Place that room tile on the board. The next player begins by rolling the room’s challenge.
Each player rolls their d6. If the sum of the numbers rolled meets or beats the challenge score of the monster in the room, then the monster has been defeated and the players roll on the Stupendous Rewards table; and can explore new rooms. If the sum does not beat the challenge score, then a roll is made on the Disastrous Results table.
Challenge score:
Each monster on the challenge table has a challenge score. For each player multiply that number by the number of players. That will be the number that needs to be beat in order to defeat that challenge.
Ex. A couple of goblins has challenge score of 2. If there are three players, the sum they need on their die roll is 6 (2 x 3).
Splitting up:
Players can split up as they explore rooms, but the challenges will still be rated for the number of players playing, so if you go in to solo a dragon, that’s on you if you get eaten. When split up the rewards and disasters only apply to the player in the room with the challenge. If a player is in a different room with a challenge, they must complete their challenge before they can go assist their friend in another room.
Exploring the next room:
When the players are ready to explore the next room, they roll one d6 to see which room comes up next. Place that room at a doorway of choice leading from the room the players are currently in.
Rolling an existing room:
When Exploring if a room is rolled that is already on the board, if that room is unoccupied, move it to the doorway you are trying to explore. Don’t worry about going back to the previous room, you already explored that one anyway. If the room is occupied, you’re at the end game. Roll twice on the challenge table and fight for your life.