The Adventure Begins

Hello travellers!

After a successful writing session this past November, I am determined to set ink to page and do something with my 'novel'.

Oh no! Not another horrible NaNoWriMo novel! I hear you cry. Worry not dear friend, through the new and wonderful process call 'editing', I shall transform my ramblings into a coherent story. And better still it will not be just a novel, oh no. It will be a work of serial fiction spanning ten whole episodes. (And that's just the first series.)

I have already begun the laborious process of re-reading the 156 page draft so that it can be segmented into at least four of the ten episode run. 

I look forward to sharing the process with you as we start out on this adventure through the eleven+ dimensions.

In the meantime, please check out the original short story in the new writing tab on the menu to the left.

As the year progresses you will see more writing on the page as well as my game design and audio work. I am striving to add 'Bytes' to the page so you can see many aspects of the creative process and determine if perhaps the work I'm doing is something you would like to support and/or may be something you need for your work. 

I hope you all had a happy holiday (Io Saturnalia!), and are headed full tilt into the new year!