The gears keep grinding away

This weeks title is honor of my nonexistent steampunk death metal cover band... (Our upcoming album is due out on February 30th; sometime in the mid '20s... maybe.)

Monday began the extensive rewrite with 793 words written of the requisite 715... And then yesterday was completely derailed by family game night, but more on that later. 

Over the past weekend I determined the plot lines, tentative titles, and tentative order for the ten episode of series one. The division of the previous work into episodes was also more successful than I had initially anticipated. What I thought was going to be maybe enough for four episodes actually got split up between eight. So I'm in a good starting place. I've decided for a leisurely pace of 715 words a day, so the fortnight episode goals shouldn't be too grueling. 

Current word count is 947 (5,067 if you count the previous words being rewritten). I am a little behind, but not so far as to warrant any worrying just yet. While I am currently typing it on a computer, or if I was writing on paper it would be with a pen, I am enthralled with the idea that if I got frustrate with my pencil, for not writing the words I want, I could just pop it into a machine at work and sent it to its demise...

Apparently at work we have machine to launch pencils... Yay science!

Apparently at work we have machine to launch pencils... Yay science!

In any case, the writing is going well. I am excited for some tweaks I am making with the setting of the first episode. When I get it into the editing process, I plan on putting the various iterations side by side here to show you how it worked, but for now I want to keep it a little closer to the vest. 

In game news this week I took a moment to delete some of my extra characters on Star Wars the Old Republic. I had some redundancies and I feel a little better about the characters I still have. I still need to play more, but that's for the upcoming time. 

Also this week, yesterday marked the first session of the biweekly family game night. I would say it was a smashing success were it not for the fact that I lost both games... 

We started the evening with round of Yahtzee while we waited for dinner to finish baking. Scratching both Yahtzee and four-of-a-kind was bad enough, but not making the top pretty much put me in last. 

After dinner we decided against my first choice and instead fell back to a standard game of Monopoly. And while I did come in third of four, I thought I had some very well timed un-mortgaging of my utilities. (They got landed on three times in quick succession, but alas it was not enough to keep me in the game.)

So, that was game night. Next time I think I'll be able to convince them to try Betrayal at House on the Hill, so I'll keep you posted on that.

In closing this week, I wanted to remind you that inspiration can come from all sort of places. One thing that inspired me during the brainstorming process for the first series episodes was some music I was listening to in the car (some Abney Park specifically). So keep you ears (and eyes) open and let your experiences fuel your creative engines.