Time to reflect

This a brief announcement to say that through the month of March I will be working offline as much as possible, so the blog will be put on a brief hiatus. I'm not leaving you empty handed though. I have reprinted the dungeon crawl game from my portfolio show resume on the page here. You can find it off to the left under the heading of Die Roll Dungeon. 

So pick out your favorite miniature, take up a d6, and have some generic dungeon crawling fun. 

Otherwise in game updates this week: I've maxed out my artifice crafting in SWTOR, had a mediocre couple of round in Yahtzee during family game night, and did fairly well at Pictionary during same family game night. 

(I know, this isn't particularly exciting news, but in order to make games we need to play games. So here's what I've learned from the process:

  • When gaming at a physical table, it's best to be able to get around said table with relative ease. [important to note when planning a game table and/or game room]
  • When allocating time to play games, make sure your other work has be attended to first.
  • Sometimes the dice are with you and sometime you need to roll with them.

Game nights will continue through the hiatus, so I'll update on those [and other things] when possible. )

That all I have for the moment. Like I said, we'll be going dark for a time, but if anything interesting comes up I'll be sure to post it here and on the social platforms. 

Have a creative and joyous month and we'll see you back here in April.  Cheers!