So, I was looking over my notes for last week's blog, and I noticed that I missed a few things. This works well as it really is another topic: organization. Most specifically, organizing my to-do list.
Over the past few weeks I've been playing around with different ways to organize my to-do list. The current iteration is a stack of index cards that I've cut down to playing card size and clipped the corners. I wanted to make it like a stack of cards, so I could add a random element to selecting which task to do next if I wanted.
It also makes the tasks list easier to organize because I can set all the cards out, then pick and choose the ones that need to be done this week. Also on the cards I've listed if activities recur and an estimate as to how long they should take.
I think ultimately the plan is to have a routine where I draw a task off the stack when I've got time and then keep the flow going onto the next card in the stack as things get done.
This all works in addition to the list I keep online. For the past couple years I've been "gamifying" my life and using Habitica to organize my daily tasks and to-do list. This year I've cut using the habit goals, but I'm still tracking my tasks daily. (Currently my character is a level 89 mage.) Having a system that "rewards" me for completing things helps me to keep completing things. It might not work for everyone, but it does seem to work on me. It also helps me to track things that might get forgotten or delayed otherwise; like watering the plants or even just getting a haircut. It also reminds me daily that I should be writing more... Which reminds me... I should be writing more. (I'll give another update on the project in next weeks blog.)
Look! It's a crackpot with a cracked pot!
I was out the other day and saw this at the store (No, I didn't break it.). I decided that I just had to have a picture. Here is that picture. (Bad joke included free of charge.)
Now, one thing that I will note as a benefit to living in Florida (Despite the terrible weather... it's always so sunny and hot! Give me an overcast cool day any day.), is that even from the other side of the state it's possible to see a space launch on a clear day.
I got to see my first launch this week, and now there is a car on it's way to the (asteroid) belt. We stood on the roof and I got to see a little speck of fire in the distance. That fire was produced by three rocket boosters. The vapor trail led into the clouds and then we lost sight of it.
It's certainly an interesting time to be alive. And it's quirky things like that that can inspire us to achieve amazing things.
Of course, it isn't just the extraordinary that can inspire. There can be little details that inspire other notions. For example, I wrote the following the other day after moving my foot around in the bath:
"The figure floated in the water, bobbing up and down. It floated toward the stream of water pouring in. It was pushed down and submerged for a bit. Then it resurfaced a little ways away. It floated back to the stream, and the cycle continued."
Small little observation and now I have the start to a murder mystery. This week's advice it always keep a notebook with you, because you never know when an idea will strike.
This week's game report:
This week was another round of D&D for the Sunday night group. We defeated some more goblins, as well as some bandits this time around. We've also leveled up to 2nd level. This means that my warlock will be even tougher the next time I get to play. Yay!
Otherwise I started looking a game on my phone, The Guides Axion. So far I've just gone through a couple of the logic puzzle bits to log into the game. I'll report more after I play it further, but it seems interesting.
I hope some of this may inspire you to keep exploring and creating. I know I'll be exploring different iterations of task lists and methods of organizing time. I'll try to post what works and what doesn't. In the meantime, keep being you and focus on the details.